*For SALE or For RENT!
This multipurpose business space/warehouse or hangar has an area of 405m2. One part of the hangar is 255m2, while the other part is 75m2, where there are offices with two toilets and a kitchen.
It has video surveillance, as well as a rack closet from which the network is implemented throughout the hangar.
The building is located near Big Fashion Shopping Center and City Mall, and is only 300m from the main street.
The road to the facility is suitable for small and medium-sized trucks, from the main street all the way to the entrance to the hangar.
There are several parking spaces in front of the warehouse, for cars, vans, trucks…
With an agreement with the owner, it is also possible to rent it, and we should mention that it is necessary to finish/adjust some rooms in order to match the purpose.
To schedule a viewing, please contact us at +382 69 333 230. For International clients, we’re available at the same number on WhatsApp.
Ovaj višenamjenski poslovni prostor/magacin ili hangar površine od 405m2. Jedan dio hangara zauzima 255m2, dok drugi dio 75m2, gdje su predviđene prostorije za kancelarije sa dva toaleta i kuhinjom.
Posjeduje video nadzor, kao i rek ormar iz kojeg je mreža sprovedena u cijelom hangaru.
Objekat se nalazi u blizini Tržnog centra Big Fashion i City Mall- a, a udaljen je na samo od 300m od glavne ulice.
Put do objekta je prilagođen kamionima manje i srednje veličine, od glavne ulice pa sve do samog ulaza u hangar.
Ispred magacina ima više parking mjesta, za auto, kombi, kamione…
Uz dogovor sa vlasnikom moguće ga je i iznajmiti, uz to da napomenemo da je potrebno završiti/prilagoditi neke prostorije u zavisnosti od namjene.
Da biste zakazali obilazak, kontaktirajte nas na +382 68 333 230. Za međunarodne klijente, dostupni smo na istom broju na WhatsApp-u.